Shipping Policy

  • For the convenience of our customers we have set a flat shipping rate for anywhere in Pakistan irrespective of value or weight.
  • Shipping charges are non-refundable.
  • Depending on the destination city of your order the delivery can take anywhere between 5-7 working days. Once the order is confirmed a confirmation code and tracking number will be shared by one of our customer care representatives.
  • For any exchange or refunds the cost of pickup and delivery and second attempt of delivery will be beared by the customer.
  • For Express Delivery customer will have to pay an additional amount to the standard delivery charges.
  • The response time for exchange and refund of any order is 48 working hours.


*Due to current Covid19 situation in Pakistan we are currently not accepting any returns.

We at Souk Galleria are following all the SOPs at our best and trying to play our role to flatten the curve. For further details please feel free to talk to our customer support.


We hope you enjoy your Souk Galleria experience and are going to love your purchase.